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Hi Nick, I have removed your email as a) You expose yourself to spammers grabbing your email from the public forum and sending loads of junk mail b) Spammer and scammer accounts post their emails to get users off OD into private chats where they can socially engineer you to send money or worse. By posting your email you'll be seen as a spammer and thus avoided!

on 20/04/21 @ 11:53

That having been said Welcome! 😀 Try the invites pages or post your own invite.


Site Admin   on 20/04/21 @ 11:54

Well I never knew that Steve - it makes perfect sense now!😀

GlGlyn2   on 20/04/21 @ 12:51

Ok sorry for that did not realise

ninick789uk   on 20/04/21 @ 15:50

Welcome, I'm sure there will be some walks to join once we are back to some normality. 😊

mimilvus   on 23/04/21 @ 8:57

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